
Lynn Aaron and Dana Gavin

We are delighted to recognize the colleagues who worked on this second edition of the Optimizing AI in Higher Education: SUNY FACT2 Guide.  Contributions have come from many sources.

First, we want to express our deep thanks to Billie Franchini (SUNY Albany) and Jeffrey Riman (SUNY Fashion Institute of Technology), FACT² AI Task Group Co-Chairs, for their thoughtful guidance and support.  They have been there for us throughout the development of both editions of the Guide from start to finish.

We have had the pleasure of working together with colleagues who have expertise in distinct areas of the AI landscape. You – Santina Abbate (Stony Brook University); Nicola Marae Allain (Empire State University); Bridget Almas (SUNY System Administration); Brian Fallon (Fashion Institute of Technology); C. (Barrett) Gordon (SUNY Erie); Margarete Jadamec (University at Buffalo); Adele Merlino, (SUNY Maritime College); Laura Pierie (SUNY Morrisville); and Gina Solano (SUNY Oneonta) – have enabled us to expand the Guide into new areas while updating areas of growth. We further appreciate Nicola Marae Allain, Bridget Almas, Margarete Jadamec , Adele Merlino, and David Wolf, who, in addition, generously lent  their skills to the overall review process.

Stephanie Pritchard (SUNY Oswego),  we are grateful to you for volunteering your time and expertise to this project.  You reviewed the manuscript in great detail and made numerous valuable suggestions and corrections despite not being an official member of the Guide Committee.

Bridget Almas (SUNY Administration), thank you for assuming the role of Web Committee Liaison which has evolved into shepherding the Guide into publication.

Natalie Leriche (SUNY Fashion Institute of Technology), thank you for the creation of the Guide cover and some other illustrations. The Guide benefits from your talent.

Finally, we would be remiss without acknowledging the contributions of all Task Group Committee Co-Chairs Meghanne Freivald (Alfred University), Ken Fujiuchi (Buffalo State University), John Kane (SUNY Oswego), Keith Landa (SUNY Administration and SUNY Purchase), and Stephanie Pritchard (SUNY Oswego) as well as of Brian Cepuran (D2L Labs) for their continuing support.


Guide Committee Co-Chairs

Lynn Aaron, SUNY Rockland Community College

Dana Gavin, SUNY Dutchess Community College


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Optimizing AI in Higher Education: SUNY FACT² Guide, Second Edition Copyright © by Lynn Aaron and Dana Gavin is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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