
As Provost Liaison to the SUNY Faculty Advisory Council on Teaching and Technology (FACT2), I am pleased to present this second edition of Optimizing AI in Higher Education: SUNY FACT² Guide, which was developed by the FACT2 Task Group on Optimizing Artificial Intelligence for Teaching and Learning.   The first version of this Guide was developed in response to a call from the SUNY Provost in Spring 2023 to provide a guidance document for SUNY Faculty for the Fall 2023 semester, and it came together in record time over the summer of 2023.  During the 2023-2024 academic year, the Task Group worked thoughtfully and carefully to expand the Guide to this second version, which was unveiled to the SUNY community at the SUNY Conference on Instruction and Technology in May 2024.

The quality of work represented in the pages to follow are a testament to the tireless efforts and dedication of the FACT² Task Group. Their invaluable work has culminated in this comprehensive resource designed to support faculty across the SUNY system in navigating the complex and rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence in education.

The FACT² Council AI Task Group, comprised of faculty and staff from a range of SUNY institutions, as well as selected experts from outside of SUNY, spent a full year exploring the challenges and opportunities AI presents in higher education. Their collective expertise and truly collaborative spirit have enriched this second version of the Guide beyond what was originally envisioned, making it a vital tool for educators who are seeking to understand how AI can be used in the teaching and learning context, considering possible use cases, thinking through how they might integrate AI into their teaching practices responsibly and effectively, or evaluating specific AI tools.  I am extremely grateful to the entire Task Group, especially those faculty and staff who worked over the Summer of 2023 to produce the first version of the Guide.

This Guide would not have been possible without the exceptional leadership of the FACT² Task Group Co-Chairs, Billie Franchini (SUNY Albany) and Jeffrey Riman (SUNY Fashion Institute of Technology). Their ability to steer the writing team and this Guide to completion was impressive, and I am grateful for their dedication to this publication.  Additionally, their vision and clarity of purpose in leading the Task Group enabled the dedicated volunteers to produce a wide range of valuable resources and assets, beyond the Guide, to support SUNY faculty considering the use of AI in their classes.

The Guide was designed for SUNY faculty, but as we continue to witness the transformative impact of AI across all of higher education, this Guide serves as a crucial resource for faculty anywhere, providing insights, recommendations, and practical tools to enhance teaching and learning. We hope this work will empower educators to harness the potential of AI while recognizing the need to address the ethical, legal, and societal implications it brings.

Thank you to everyone involved for your hard work and dedication. You should all be proud of the Guide and are not only shaping the present but also paving the way for the future of AI in higher education.

Kim A. Scalzo

Interim Senior Associate Provost for Digital Innovation and Academic Services

SUNY System Administration


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Optimizing AI in Higher Education: SUNY FACT² Guide, Second Edition Copyright © by Faculty Advisory Council On Teaching and Technology (FACT²) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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