Executive Summary

In late 2022, as ChatGPT emerged as a free and easily accessible tool that could generate text seemingly out of thin air, the education community was rocked. For some, this launch was  anticipated, as this technology had been in development for decades. Many, however, were caught flat-footed and struggled to come to grips with not only what “generative AI” was, but how ubiquitous it was, how readily available it was to students, and the impact this “new” technology was going to have on many disciplines inside the academy.

In May 2023, the SUNY FACT2 Task Group formed to create a guide as quickly as possible to address the issues as we understood them. The document offered an overview of the opportunities and challenges presented by generative AI, delivered pedagogical recommendations, and submitted a glossary and tool assessment compendium. Even as we were editing the final draft, we knew a revision would be necessary, as generative AI tools and applications were already developing quickly beyond the first iteration of the FACT2 Guide to Optimizing AI in Higher Education. Reconvening quickly, we have endeavored to represent these evolutions and adaptations in the development of generative AI, while also sharing updates on ethical and legal concerns.

This document presents information and solutions to educators across the spectrum of enthusiasm and adoption interests, as we believe everyone should be empowered to make educated decisions for themselves and their students regarding generative AI. Perhaps the least effective response at this point is to pretend generative AI is not a part of the higher education experience. Thus, this document supports educators at all levels and disciplines;  we are addressing the issue rather than engaging in avoidance.

In this Optimizing AI in Higher Education: SUNY FACT2 Guide, Second Edition, you will find updated information to reflect the changing landscape of generative AI technology. We offer practical suggestions for how to help educators and students achieve AI literacy and find the right methods of using or eschewing generative AI in their pedagogy. The second edition represents both an update to the first Guide, but also a recognition of the fact that generative AI is a tool in constant development; we will continue to advocate for equitable education and access for all students and educators as this dynamic and innovative field  continues to grow.


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Optimizing AI in Higher Education: SUNY FACT² Guide, Second Edition Copyright © by Faculty Advisory Council On Teaching and Technology (FACT²) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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