Prompt Engineering for Instructors

According to Amatriain (2024), prompt engineering in generative AI models is a rapidly emerging discipline that shapes the interactions and outputs of these models. Prompt engineering is the practice of designing and refining prompts to elicit specific or desired responses from AI models such as ChatGPT. It can be thought of as the interface between “human intent and machine output” (Crabtree, 2024). The value of learning to engineer prompts for instructors will be to design and implement instructional prompts that guide students’ attention, cognition, and actions towards the desired learning outcomes. These prompts are strategically crafted to stimulate engagement, promote deeper understanding, and facilitate effective learning processes. Additionally, prompt engineering is a powerful instructional strategy that can enhance learning outcomes, foster critical thinking, promote active engagement, support differentiated instruction, and ensure alignment with learning objectives. By leveraging well-designed prompts, instructors can create effective learning experiences that empower students to achieve academic success.

Enhance Learning. Well-designed prompts can streamline the learning process by directing students’ focus towards critical information or tasks. By presenting clear and concise instructions or questions, prompt engineering helps students navigate through complex material more efficiently.

Critical Thinking Skills. Contrary to the idea that AI use can diminish critical thinking skills, learning prompts can stimulate higher-order thinking skills such as analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. By posing thought-provoking questions or problem-solving tasks, instructors encourage learners to engage in reflective thinking and explore diverse perspectives. This can cultivate a deeper understanding of the subject and promote intellectual growth.

Promoting Active Engagement. Prompt engineering can prompt students to actively participate in their own learning process rather than passively consuming information. Creating prompts, such as discussion prompts or collaborative activities, can encourage peer interaction, knowledge sharing, and collaborative problem-solving. This active engagement can foster a sense of ownership over the learning process.

Supporting Diverse Learners. Learning prompt engineering allows instructors to tailor instructional prompts to meet students’ diverse needs and preferences. By providing multiple prompts or offering choice-based prompts, instructors can accommodate various learning styles, interests, and skill levels. This promotes personalized learning experiences and enhances learner motivation and engagement.

Ensuring alignment with Learning Objectives. Learning prompt engineering should be closely aligned with the course’s intended learning outcomes and instructional goals. Prompts should be designed to scaffold learners’ progression toward mastery of specific concepts, skills, or competencies. By maintaining alignment with learning objectives, instructors ensure that prompts effectively support learning and assessment practices.


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Optimizing AI in Higher Education: SUNY FACT² Guide, Second Edition Copyright © by Faculty Advisory Council On Teaching and Technology (FACT²) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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