AI Capabilities for Faculty

AI has the potential to support faculty during the teaching process. Simulated students can be created by AI language models. Faculty can seek real-time feedback from generative AI, as well as post-teaching feedback. AI can provide metrics on student participation and identify faculty-initiated questions which provoked the most engagement during class. Faculty may also use AI to remain updated in their fields and create curricula (Chen, 2023).

Generative AI tools, particularly ChatGPT, may be used to speed up time-consuming tasks that educators perform routinely, such as updating unit outlines, lesson plans, and drafting prompts for writing or discussion. Instructors can also generate materials such as assignment instructions, flash cards, posters, rubrics, and assessment materials (Finley, 2023).

The Learning Management System Brightspace will be offering enhanced AI features for all users.

  • The Brightspace Virtual Assistant is an AI-based help tool that is integrated directly into the learning environment. This chat assistant allows users to surface information, resources, and how-to guides as  users need, right when they need them.
  • Advanced tools auto-generate captions for videos and audio clips in Brightspace in multiple languages. Users can record, upload, and edit captioned video content from almost anywhere in the platform.
  • The Adaptive Learning tool in Performance+ automatically builds an understanding of student progress against objectives, then links concepts to content to create unique learning paths for each student.
  • Predictive Analytics in Performance+ compares key learning and engagement factors to identify patterns or risk factors so educators can take corrective action sooner.
  • The Generative AI Beta program offers a suite of AI-powered enhancements to everyday workflows, including generating practice questions, generating quiz questions, and inspiring ideas for assignments and discussions. All enhancements are based on existing course content.

If educators understand the pros and cons of generative AI writ large and want to use generative AI in their classrooms, the following section gives practical applications for types of activities and their implementation in classrooms and for online classes.


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Optimizing AI in Higher Education: SUNY FACT² Guide, Second Edition Copyright © by Faculty Advisory Council On Teaching and Technology (FACT²) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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